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Shreeneel Chemicals is dedicated to developing pharmaceuticals of the highest quality while conducting business in a secure and environmentally responsible manner.

To keep the promise made above, our company:

  • Uses a process-based approach and the proper procedures for production, distribution, storage, quality assurance, and quality control to adhere to the quality standards set by the pharmaceutical industry.
  • Integrates health & safety, quality, and environmental management systems into daily operations to improve client satisfaction, guard against dangers to health & safety, and advance environmental preservation, including pollution prevention.
  • Adopts effective methods to control (eliminate/reduce) the hazards to human health, property, and the environment associated with diverse operations that use renewable resources.
  • Encourage employees to be aware of environmental, safety, and health issues through participation and input.
  • Encourages compliance with the system by raising knowledge of health, the environment, and safety among external providers (contractors, suppliers, and subcontractors) and linked parties.
  • Respects the interests of all stakeholders by behaving responsibly and following the applicable international and national laws, norms, and requirements relating to health, quality, the environment, and safety.
  • Makes ongoing efforts by setting goals to improve customer satisfaction, prevent incidents (injury, near-misses, accidents, and ill-health), and safeguard the environment, including pollution prevention, human resource development, and teamwork.

Compliance & Ethics

The Greek word Ethos, which denotes both a community's culture and a person's character, originates from the idea of ethics. Ethics are the beliefs and principles one employs to guide actions and decisions. A code of ethics in an organization is a set of values that direct its initiatives, rules, and commercial choices. Our reputation, output, and financial health can all be impacted by the ethical framework it utilizes to do business. Because there is ample evidence that unethical behavior can harm our reputation, impact its share price and lower its profits, business ethics are important. Some business-related controversies have started with little regard for morals. Because it has been realized that profits and ethics go hand in hand, business ethics have become ingrained. In the long run, moral behavior is profitable.

Leadership Ethics

Employee loyalty and morale may be impacted by the morale and values that executives in an organization use to manage their workforce. Leaders who uphold our code of ethics decide on the methods for enforcing discipline and what constitutes appropriate conduct for all employees. When leaders model high ethical standards, it motivates team members to uphold those values. Our reputation in the community and financial market is improved through ethical leadership. Our business may benefit from having a strong reputation for integrity and ethics in the community.

Employee Integrity

Employees that act ethically in the workplace execute tasks with integrity and honesty. Employees that utilize ethics to guide their behavior uphold our norms and procedures while working to achieve its objectives. Our reputation for providing high-quality services and products can improve when ethical personnel adheres to job quality standards.

Ethical Corporate Culture

An ethical organizational culture is created through observing a code of ethics. Our leaders can foster an ethical culture by modeling the behavior they want their staff members to show. We can encourage ethical behavior by rewarding staff members who uphold our ideals and integrity and punishing those who choose unethically.

Organisational Code of Ethics

A code of ethics, often known as an ethical code or a code of conduct, outlines our goals, values, and obligations. Employees should be directed by a well-written code of ethics on handling particular ethical circumstances. Every code of ethics is unique and should capture our Ethos, values, and conduct. Some codes are brief, laying forth merely broad principles, while others are lengthy books covering a range of situations.

Important Elements of a Business Code of Ethics

To guarantee that our ideals are represented in all business operations, personnel are expected to abide by the code of ethics. Regardless of our size, clearly established norms and regular monitoring transactions should prevent legal violations and create an environment where employees feel comfortable acting morally.


Business values are often demonstrated in how a company deals with its employees, suppliers, and clients daily. Our mission statement and the fact that it is founded on fairness and honesty are both fundamental goals of the code of ethics. Respect in all encounters, regardless of the circumstances, is another frequently described characteristic.


By incorporating operational ideals that staff members should uphold, principles are employed to promote our core values. Documenting business principles requires focusing on profitability, continual progress, and customer happiness. Another business principle frequently included in the code of ethics is corporate responsibility for efficiently using natural resources.

Management Assistance

The code of ethics may include evidence of manager support for the principles and values. A procedure for anonymously reporting any code of ethics issues can be included in the code, along with open-door practices for reporting ethics violations. Some companies post the code of ethics with management signatures in conspicuous locations, such as the break room, where employees will see it daily, to demonstrate how seriously management takes the code.

Individual Responsibilities

Another element is a clause outlining each employee's obligations to uphold the code of ethics. This might include details on the legal and moral repercussions of an employee breaking the code. The personal responsibility portion of the ethics code typically includes the need to report any violators. This is supposed to demonstrate that upholding the ideals and principles alone is not enough; employees must support the code of ethics by disclosing violations.


There is no overarching code of ethics; what is wrong and right frequently depends on the situation. As more people become aware of this, their perspectives on persuading businesses and their employees to act ethically have changed. Initial strategies were built on compliance, establishing guidelines and procedures that people and businesses had to adhere to. But creating regulations takes time, and they quickly become out of date. Systems can also stifle business effectiveness by trapping individuals in red tape. This has given rise to the evolving idea that, even while some degree of compliance will always be required, it is more crucial to ingrain moral values into the company structure and the people who work there. Organizations must have a clear understanding of their vision, which should be shared by all employees, to accomplish this successfully.

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